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gvSIG-Desktop 1.10. User Manual

by Victor Acevedo last modified 2011-09-13 17:10

Views are the gvSIG documents used as the working area of cartographic information.

A view can contain different layers of geographic information (hydrography, transport infrastructures, administrative regions, contour lines, etc.).


When one of the views that make up a project is opened, a new window appears divided into the following parts:

Table of contents (ToC): The ToC is located on the left-hand side of the window. The Table of Contents lists all the layers it contains and the symbols used to represent the elements which make up the layer.

Display window: The display window is located on the right-hand side of the screen. The project’s cartographic data are shown in this display window.

Locator: The locator is situated in the bottom left-hand corner. The locator allows the current frame to be situated in the work area as a whole.

When a view is opened, the main window increases the number of menus and buttons, thus adding the tools required to work with the elements which make up the view.

The size of the ToC can be enlarged to show a full description of all the themes by simply dragging its edge to the right or downwards.

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